Every Person Deserves a Good Coach

Modern life is busy, the world is unpredictable, and the future is uncertain. It’s actually a wonder that most people manage to keep going. But as humans, we are quite good at it. Blinders on. Emotions pushed to a far corner of the brain. And we just keep going.

But there’s more to it. We live in a society that is completely focused on self-realization. And within that, we demand a lot from ourselves. We expect to be the best version of ourselves at all times. A job that matches our talents and ambitions. A rich social life. Happy children. A fit body. And ideally, we want to show the outside world that we’re effortlessly achieving all of this.

Make Sure You're Ahead of the Problems

Of course, it’s not that simple. Things can go well for a long time, but they can also go terribly wrong. The number of burnouts is increasing across all levels of society. People feel invisible. Motivation disappears. They somehow hit a wall. All because they’ve lost their balance.

Finding that balance again is no easy task. Recovering from a burnout and getting back to functioning well takes a lot of time and money. That’s why we say: as an organization, make sure you’re ahead of it. The sooner you act, the better. The best time to start is when there isn’t any problem yet.

But, of course, this is easier said than done. For an organization, it’s not easy to recognize problems before they arise. And if you do manage to spot them, there’s often not enough time to give those problems the proper attention or the knowledge to refer someone to the right place.

“Every person deserves a professional coach. Someone who understands the human psyche and can help you find balance in your life.”

You get a coach! And you get a coach! And you get a coach!

In fact, every person deserves a professional coach. Someone who understands the human psyche. Someone who can help you find balance in your life. The balance between work and personal life, but also between your current job and your ambitions. Or between motivation and purpose. 

Until recently, these types of coaches were only available to the upper echelons of the corporate world. It’s generally assumed that they are under great stress. You want to prevent them from burning out because if that happens, it has a major impact on an organization. In short, it’s clear that the top-level employees need coaches. However, it’s now evident that they’re not the only ones under significant pressure, and they’re not the only ones who deserve a good coach. Moreover, it’s an effective way to increase work happiness. In other words, not only do you prevent burnout, but you also increase job satisfaction.

But Where Do You Find a Good Coach?

Coach is an unprotected title. Anyone can call themselves a coach. In the rat race of self-realization, coaches are popping up like mushrooms. As a result, there has been a sort of wild growth of coaches who mostly specialize in coaching other coaches. This makes it unnecessarily difficult for many companies to bring in a coach.

Onnodig, omdat ze natuurlijk wel bestaan, professionele coachesUnnecessarily so, because professional coaches do exist. Coaches who know what they’re talking about. Who are scientifically grounded and don’t just give advice based on “feelings.” Coaches who are trained in listening, are empathetic, and can build a personal connection with their clients in a short amount of time. Coaches who can offer clear, actionable advice. Advice that actually helps. Both for the individual and the organization.

That’s Exactly Why Buddy Exists

In the end, everyone benefits. The employee who finds balance, stands firmer, and experiences greater work happiness. But also the organization. Because happy employees stay longer, work more effectively, perform better, and are less likely to burn out. Furthermore, coaching provides insight into the pain points, blind spots, and opportunities within a team or organization.

You might think it comes at a cost, but it’s more affordable than you might think. That’s why we founded Buddy—to make professional coaches accessible to everyone. Not only to prevent burnouts but also to assist with career guidance and personal development for employees. 

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