Questions for Buddy: Janine Vinken

Why do people do what they do? And how did they become who they are? With these questions in mind, Janine Vinken decided to study psychology. She wanted to learn how to understand people. As a coach at Buddy, she helps her coachees reflect, so they gain insight into what’s going well and what could be improved.

A good coach primarily listens and dares to ask challenging questions. This helps bring out the knowledge and strength someone already has inside them, enabling them to take steps in the right direction. I have a sharp ear for listening and am empathetic. I enjoy putting myself in someone else’s perspective and using open-ended questions to guide them toward insights.

What do you hope to contribute through your role?

Through my role as a coach, I hope to empower people, so they do more things that give them energy and dare to take steps that contribute to their growth as a person. Organizations will benefit from this as well.

How do you do that?

Job satisfaction starts with self-knowledge. Understand what motivates you, what your values are, and what gives you energy. Then, focus on balance. Enjoyment and well-being arise from a balance between challenge and relaxation, work and personal life. Protect your boundaries and learn to say “no” when something doesn’t align with your energy or priorities. Finally, seek connection. Strong relationships at work contribute to your sense of enjoyment and well-being. Share your successes and struggles, seek collaboration, and invest in trust.

“A good coach primarily listens and dares to ask challenging questions. This helps bring out the strength and knowledge someone already has inside them, enabling them to take steps in the right direction.”

Do you have an ultimate tip for achieving this?

Yes, the Energy Audit. Take five minutes every day for a week to reflect on three questions: What gave you energy today? What drained your energy? And what can you do to focus more on the things that give you energy?

What is your favorite pastime?

I act in plays. It's a great way for me to channel my drive to understand people. Analyzing a character and portraying them as realistically as possible is something I love to do. Plus, I can experiment with anger and frustration, emotions that I find quite challenging to allow in real life.

What didn’t you know when you first started (but know now)?

Many people struggle with the same issues and are very hard on themselves. It can make a huge difference in your personal development to look at yourself with a kinder perspective. This way, you can discover, step by step, where you want to grow.

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