Meet our coaches

Our expert coaches help your employees tackle challenges in their professional development in an accessible way. This ensures they stay healthier, happier, and more connected to your company over a longer period of time. We support you with this guidance so you can focus on the business.

Albert Klompe
Personal Effectiveness

Puck Zondervan
Career guidance

Janine Vinken
Career guidance, Personal effectiveness

Axel Gouw
Work-life balance, Career guidance, Personal effectiveness

Monique Lurvink
Work-life balance, Career guidance, Personal effectiveness

Juliette Lutje Schipholt
Work-life balance, Career guidance, Personal effectiveness

Eva van den Heijkant
Work-life balance, Career guidance, Personal effectiveness

Michelle Kruszel
Work-life balance, Career guidance, Personal effectiveness

Pedro Dubislav
Work-life balance, Career guidance, Personal effectiveness

Niki Achterkamp
Work-life balance, Career guidance

Frederique Hirschfeldt
Personal effectiveness

Jorg Damen
Career guidance


Ruben Kooy


Frank Ruijg


Tessa Visser


Interested in Buddy?
Contact us or schedule an appointment directly

Happy employees and a healthy organization – that’s something everyone wants. Let’s schedule a meeting.

Schedule an appointment, email [email protected], or call 06-39440108. [email protected] or call 06-39440108.